The concept of a wedding celebration involves not only the theme, decoration and entertainment features, but also the images of a bride and a groom. A stylish wedding should be kept in one design down to the details. Consider this statement on the example of the original wedding ceremony of Dima and Marina.

Wedding with taste: a story of Dima and Marina

From the very first meeting with this couple, it was clear to us: they know what they want – a fashionable party, which, at the same time, will not look like any other. They like the traditional white color, but they are not inspired by classic images and decorations.

The guys were ready to experiment with themes, styles, shades, conceptual details. And this is only to our advantage, because in this way we can unleash the creative potential of our team.

When preparing a stylish wedding for Dima and Marina, the wedding agency had three main tasks:

  • Choose a location.
  • Create images of the bride and groom.
  • Think over the style for decoration and photo shoot.

For this wedding we have selected a restaurant in a modern design with an excellent location in the middle of a pine forest. Our stylish wedding took place in the open air: an arch of delicate natural flowers and small lamps were organized for the ceremony, and the guests sat on snow-white chairs decorated with the same flowers. The banquet area was also located in the middle of nature under a wooden canopy.

The theme of the location had a natural style, so we planned several eco-friendly photo zones with a tree and a lot of flowers. We did not overload either the restaurant or the dance floor with decor, decorating them in pale pink shades. The main decoration of this wedding was flowers constantly smelling in the air.

аксессуары для стильной свадьбы
перед стильной свадьбой
стильные черно-белые фото
жених и невеста
стильные мелочи для свадьбы
молодые в загсе
на стильной свадьбе
фотозона в стильном решении
подсветка на свадьбе
свадьба в розовом стиле


стильная фотозона на свадьбе
оформление свадебного стола
стильное авто молодоженов

How to choose stylish images for a bride and a groom

Looking stylish does not mean following fashion trends. Rather, it is to combine actual styles, harmonious shades and textures, emphasize and play with the theme of the appearance. Dima and Marina embodied this as much as possible in their wedding clothes.

The bride had a stylish dress: multi-layered and puffy, but at the same time of different lengths, which emphasized the harmony of the bride and the originality of the image. Marina chose a light powdery shade that harmonized with her appearance and fit into the overall style of the wedding. In order not to overload this airy image, she complemented it with a short, concise veil. Luxurious gold-colored shoes decorated with rhinestones became a bright accent.

White roses made up a modest, but at the same time exquisite bridal bouquet. Roses became the main decoration of this wedding, and in their simplicity lied an elegant idea for the celebration.

For his stylish wedding Dima chose a dark blue classic suit, in which he looked amazing. The tie was replaced with a bow tie complementing the look with discreet patent leather shoes.

ресторам на стильной свадьбе
оформление столов гостей на свадьбе
стол молодоженов
стиль жениха на свадьбе
стиль невесты на свадьбе
брачные обещания

Stylish Wedding Day

It was important for Dima and Marina to maintain a single style in all details of their wedding day. The stylish wedding began with the morning of the bride in the hotel room, the interior of which is decorated simply but tastefully. In the corridor of the hotel the couple had a first meeting and then went for a walk around the city.

The wedding coordinators rented a modern white convertible car for this. Photos from the walk turned out to be luxurious, but at the same time not defiant or pretentious. This is exactly what our lovers wanted – concisely and in such a way that even after many years the created wedding style would retain its relevance.

After the walk there was a solar ceremony and a cheerful banquet. This wedding can rather be called chamber because of the small number of guests. The celebration turned out to be spiritual and somehow special due to the closeness to nature and a secluded location. When it got dark all the candles were lighted in the main areas having added the feeling of comfort.

The perfect end to the evening was a white cake decorated with fresh roses. This is what we talked about at the beginning: attention to each detail. The flowers on the cake harmoniously fit into the overall appearance of the wedding celebration and seemed to complete it. Then everyone admired the fireworks in honor of the creation of a new family.

после венчания
декор в стиле свадьбы
стильные мелочи
свадебные поздравления
друзья жениха
свадебные нежности
свадебное веселье
разрезают свадебный торт
свадебный торт
феерверк на свадьбе
команда свадебного агентства
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